Pretty Printing JSON

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Over the holidays I’ve used some of my time to modernize my JSON pretty printing tool and make it available on too. The new version is available under pretty print json.

Please make sure to check back often, as I will keep adding more tools over time. Also feel free to suggest new tools which you think could be useful 😄 I cannot guarantee that I will add all suggestions, but I will consider them.

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Offline JSON Pretty Printing

Nowadays when you’re dealing with Web APIs, you often find yourself in the situation of handling JSON, either in the input for these APIs or in the output, or both. Some browsers have the means to pretty print the JSON from their dev tools. But you don’t always have that opportunity. That’s why there are tools to pretty-print JSON. I’ve found quite a few of them on the web, but all the ones I’ve found have one terrible flaw: they actually send the JSON you’re trying to pretty-print to the server 🙀. I don’t want my JSON data (sensitive or not) to be sent to some random servers!

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